Welcome to my brand new author’s website and Webb Hubbell Unfiltered a place where I will talk about writing novels, traveling the country on a book tour, and random thoughts on sports, politics, and whatever else pops up in my head. More importantly than continuing to visit the site I hope you will participate in the discussion by providing comments, posting something you like or hate on Facebook or Twitter, or doing something old-fashioned sitting down with friends or family and talking about something going on that inspires or bothers you.
I will continue to post daily meditations at thehubbellpew.com and my bi-monthly column at clydefitchreport.com., but this place is reserved for something completely different.
My publisher would shoot me if I didn’t mention I have a book out there for sale, When Men Betray. I hope you will buy it and recommend it to your friends, and if something in the book makes you want to ask me a question write me at [email protected].
Thanks again for visiting the website. I hope you will return soon.