Webb Hubbell’s Novel “When Men Betray” Offers Disturbing Insight Into Funding of Terrorism

When Men Betray Book CoverWebb Hubbell’s first novel, When Men Betray, published by Beaufort Books in 2014 offers disturbing insights into how terrorists fund their activities.

In his second novel, Ginger Snaps, the reader learns about prosecutorial abuse in the name of fighting terrorism can cause innocent citizens to lose their individual freedom and all of their belongings.

Autographed copies of all three of Webb Hubbell’s books, including the recently reissued Friends In High Places, are available for sale at webbhubbell.com, and are also available at your local independent bookstore, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Webb Hubbell: Friends in High Places Book CoverAlso follow Webb’s political and legal insights by going to clydefitchreport.com and going to Hubbell’s Telescope. Webb also writes at daily meditation at thehubbellpew.com.



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