September Newsletter

game_of_inches_coverDear Readers:

My latest Jack Patterson Suspense/Thriller, A Game of Inches is flying off the shelves. Thank you for your support. Autographed copies are available at my website, Amazon and Barnes & Noble are selling hard copies and eVersions, and local independent bookstores can get books from my publisher, Beaufort Books. If your favorite bookstore has run out, ask them to order you a copy today.

Exciting News: My publisher tells me that on September 12, 2016 (My baby sister’s birthday) Amazon will offer the Kindle version of “A Game of Inches” for $0.99 for that one day. It is a great promotional opportunity, so I hope you will take advantage of this offer and download to your Kindle, iPhone, or iPad my most recent Jack Patterson suspense/thriller even if you have a hard copy.

The link to the Amazon site is…/…/ref=pd_sim_351_2…

Please help me spread the word! Tell all your friends about this amazing opportunity. Thanks!

Early Reviews:

Five Star reviews of A Game of Inches are pouring in. Here’s a sampling:

“I love all of Webb’s book and this was my favorite! So far! Can’t wait for his next.”

“How can 1 author pack so much suspense, sports accumen, culinary essence, and legal expertise into a thrilling page turner? Webb Hubbell/Jack Patterson have done it again!”

“WARNING! – before starting this book, schedule enough time to finish, as it’s impossible to put down and you will resent anything and everything that keeps you from it. The storyline begins with a prologue about a grisly murder, grabs you and won’t let you go until you finish. The best Jack Patterson story yet – and that’s saying a lot, as the first two (WHEN MEN BETRAY and GINGERSNAPS) were excellent. An actual murder, attempted murder, highly-paid athletes, intrigue, fantasy sports, actual sports, human trafficking, paid assassins, with many twists and turns along the way and many delightful references to wonderful food. Kudos to Webb Hubbell for another amazing read!”

Events in August and September: 

I traveled to Little Rock last weekend for book signings at the Barnes and Noble in West Little Rock,  Wordworth’s in the Heights, and at Loca Luna. Many new and old fans and friends dropped by to get books signed or just to sit a spell and catch up. Thank you Gayle, Erin, Jean, and Terry for making me feel so welcome and hosting the events. I will be at the Burlington, NC Barnes and Noble in late September. I will be in Washington, DC in the middle of September for a couple of book clubs.

Now that I am assured that books are available and that they meet Beaufort’s standards I will be scheduling other events, and if you would be interested in having me speak to your organization, book club, university, or would like to host a book signing please contact me at [email protected].

Webb Hubbell: Friends in High Places Book CoverPolitics. Last month I said, “The conventions are over and we know who the candidates for all four major parties will be. A person wrote in and asked if I was going to weigh in now. My response was to watch the Olympics and enjoy the rest of the summer.” This month, I say, “Enjoy the start of football season, cooler weather, and grilling hamburgers, hot dogs, and polish sausages. The candidates aren’t going to go away any time soon.”

A Favor To Ask. After you read A Game of Inches and enjoyed it like so many who are saying “this one is the best of the three” please write a review on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Powell’s, or Goodreads website even if all you do is award it five stars.

A second way to help is to drop by your local bookstore and suggest they carry all three of the award-winning Jack Patterson Thrillers: When Men BetrayGinger Snaps, and A Game of Inches.

Most importantly, tell your friends, your book club, and your business organization what many are writing — that it is a “must read” and “one of the top summer reads.”

Football InchGiveAways.  I have sponsored a second giveaway of three autographed copies of A Game of Inches on GoodReads. Sign up today. The giveaway ends on September 12, 2016.

Speaking Opportunities. My October calendar is not that full. There is room for more opportunities. Also, we haven’t started to put together the schedule for the rest of the year yet, so if you would like me to speak to your organization, university, or church contact either [email protected] or me at [email protected]. If you would like to schedule a media interview contact [email protected]


Favorite Recipes: How about Liz Stewart’s recipe for Ginger Snaps?  12 tablespoons of butter, 1 cup of sugar, 1 large egg beaten, 1/4 cup of molasses, 2 cups of flour, 2 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon cloves, 1 teaspoon ground ginger, 2-5 grams of special spice.

Cream the butter and sugar, add egg and molasses and blend well. Combine the flour, baking soda, salt, spices, and special ingredient and beat them into the mixture.

Form batter into balls about the size of a walnut. Bake for 8 to 10 minutes on ungreased baking sheet at 350 degrees. Sprinkle with extra sugar and let cool.


Until next month all the very best and don’t forget to order and then review A Game of Inches.

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