Remember Me

When I think of the tragedy of Robin Williams death I am reminded of a post I wrote for several years ago”

“We all on occasion try to make sense of things that defy common sense. We cry out, “why” when there can be no why. A while back I read that when you remember someone you carry something of that person with you. Years later, that which you carry can help you summon something about that person back, even though miles and years have passed. Even after that person’s death, that portion we took with us enables us to still see that person, hear his voice, and speak to him in your heart…. So it seems when we search to make sense out of insanity that we hear so often the cry, “Remember me.”


I have been taking a brief hiatus from the book tour to catch up on edits to my next book and enjoy my grandchildren. There are still plenty of autographed copies of  When Men Betray available from my website  A few autographed copies of my autobiography Friends in High Places are also available. Just email me at [email protected]. if you are interested. Dates are also available in the coming months for book signings,  book clubs, or presentations. Again, just email me with your request.

If you enjoyed When Men Betray please go to Amazon, B&N, iTunes, or GoodReads and post a review. If you didn’t like the book email me your comments so I can work to improve my next novels.

Enjoy the dog days of summer. Webb


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