Dear Readers:
The award-winning Jack Patterson Thrillers, including my latest, A Game of Inches continue to fly off the shelves. Thank you for your support.
Autographed copies are available at my website, Amazon and Barnes & Noble are selling hard copies and eVersions, and local independent bookstores either have them in stock or can get books from my publisher, Beaufort Books. If your favorite bookstore has run out, ask them to order you a copy today.
Exciting News: My blog of daily meditations The Hubbell Pew has been given a facelift and added a more powerful search engine where you can browse amongst over 1500 meditations. Please help me spread the word! Tell all your friends about this website and please visit yourself. Let me know what you think! Thanks!
Early Reviews:
Five Star reviews of A Game of Inches are still coming in. Here’s a sampling:
“Webb Hubbell’s first two legal thriller novels set a high bar for his third. Not surprisingly, A Game of Inches meets and exceeds that standard. I think the key to his success as a novelist is that he is a masterful story teller with an easily readable writing style that enables him to weave multiple, well researched plot lines into a cohesive, fast passed novel that grabs you on the first page and never slows down until the exciting conclusion. The story revolves around familiar and likable characters well developed in his earlier novels, but it is not necessary to have read those books to enjoy this one. That said, if you haven’t read them, you will want to do so after you finish A Game of Inches.“I love all of Webb’s book and this was my favorite! So far! Can’t wait for his next.”
Events in November:
I speak to the Promising Pages Book Club on November 15, 2016. This book club is organized by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Library System for the homeless population in Charlotte. I am really looking forward to addressing this group. On November 17, 2016 I address Charlotte’s Women Executives and will talk about the election results, what they tell us, and what happens next.
Politics. Two months ago I said, “The conventions are over and we know who the candidates for all four major parties will be. A person wrote in and asked if I was going to weigh in now. My response was to watch the Olympics and enjoy the rest of the summer.” This month, I say, “Enjoy the start of football season, cooler weather, and grilling hamburgers, hot dogs, and polish sausages. The candidates aren’t going to go away any time soon.”
Now its time to vote, and all I’m going to say is people used to die and be tortured to preserve your right to vote. You owe it to your forefathers and foremothers to vote. Please do.
A Favor To Ask. After you read A Game of Inches and enjoyed it like so many who are saying “this one is the best of the three” please write a review on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Powell’s, or Goodreads website even if all you do is award it five stars.
A second way to help is to drop by your local bookstore and suggest they carry all three of the award-winning Jack Patterson Thrillers: When Men Betray, Ginger Snaps, and A Game of Inches.
Most importantly, tell your friends, your book club, and your business organization what many are writing — that it is a “must read” and “one of the top summer reads.”
Speaking Opportunities. My November calendar is not that full. There is room for more opportunities. Also, we haven’t started to put together the schedule for next year yet, so if you would like me to speak to your organization, university, or church contact either [email protected] or me at [email protected]. If you would like to schedule a media interview contact [email protected]
Until next month all the very best and don’t forget to order and then review A Game of Inches.