Letter to Readers — August 21,2015

Dear Reader,


Ginger Snaps Book CoverOn Saturday, I will be in Burlington, NC at the Barnes and Noble between 2:00 and 4:00 P.M. doing a reading and signing copies of Ginger Snaps. I hope everyone in the area will stop by.Last night’s public reception at the magnificent Elder Gallery in Charlotte was a lot of fun. I spoke about writing Ginger Snaps, and some of the issues it addresses. Discussion was lively and lots of people got an opportunity to tour one of the South’s pre-eminent private art galleries.

My first book written in 1997, Friends in High Places, is going to come out in paperback and as an e-book this September. My publisher, Beaufort Books, recognized its importance to the political discussion going on right now and has been generous enough to make sure it is available to a much broader audience by way of e-books and paperback. I really hope you will consider picking up a copy. I think it offers a different picture of Hillary Clinton than is being offered by the media these days.






Pick up When Men Betray or Ginger Snaps at your neighborhood bookstore, order them online at Amazon, B&N, or iBooks in hardcover or eBook format, or if you want autographed copies go to https://webbhubbell.com/books-by-webb-hubbell-when-men-betray/ . Autographed copies of Friends in High Places will be available for preorder soon as well.

Thank you for being supportive of the Jack Patterson stories, and for spreading the word.

My very best,

Webb Hubbell

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