“If I Were A Rich Man” — An Opportunity Of A Lifetime

I love the movie/musical, Fiddler on the Roof, and on occasion as I pay the bills I find myself humming the tune “If I Were A Rich Man.”

Yet, perhaps I really am wealthy if my trash folder in my Outlook is any indication. I delete this folder every day, but emails keep coming in from people saying I have deposited in accounts around the world millions of dollars. The emails purport to be from the US Attorney General, state attorney generals, bankers, solicitors, and widows all wanting my bank account information.  (Sorry, no emails from the former Sec. of State — that really might be worth something these days). Today’s count says I have over $140 Million Dollars in accounts and metal boxes around the world. Perhaps, I should auction my trash folder on Ebay. I’d take 10% and be very happy.

An even better deal is available. My new new novel, Ginger Snaps, will be in the bookstores soon, order the first novel When Men Betray or pre-order a copy of Ginger Snaps by going to Amazon, B&N, your local bookstore, or get your autographed copies at https://webbhubbell.com/books-by-webb-hubbell-when-men-betray/.

However if you want my trash folder in Outlook, I can make you one hell of a deal.

Ginger Snaps Book Cover


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