All my loyal readers, friends, and family have already done so much to support and promote A Game of Inches I am hesitant to ask for one more big favor, but here goes.
Monday May 23, 2016 is launch day for the book. Please go to your social media channels and announce the launch of A Game of Inches.
For those of you who use Twitter please include #AGameofInches. It has something to do about “trending.”
For those of you who are not into Twitter but have a Facebook account you help a great deal by mentioning something about A Game of Inches such as that it is the third in a series of award-winning Suspense/Thrillers, or besides keeping the reader on the edge of his seat it tackles such issues as fantasy sports’s influence, CTE, violence against women, or how DC works behind the scenes, or finally should and how the game of football might change. Here is an early review:
“A Game of Inches lets the reader jump right into a family of fond characters, and smart, fast-paced storytelling which offers insight into the powerful force that football has become in our society. From Webb’s playing days at Arkansas, he can uniquely entwine the loyalty and lifetime bond of teammates in his masterful writing.” —Dr. Terry Don Phillips, retired Director of Athletics, Clemson University.
Even better, order your autographed copy(ies) today, and after reading please post a review at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and/or GoodReads. In today’s world reviews mean a great deal and are critical to the commercial success of a book.
Suzy and I thank you so much for all your support and promotion. I draw and shape my characters from your unconditional friendship.