Help Spread The Word About “A Game of Inches”


You’ve already done so much to help me promote my novels. Suzy and I thank you and at the same time ask one more favor:

Please help me promote the launch and sales of A Game of Inches beginning June 20, 2016.

For Launch Day. Here are some ideas:

1. Tweet the fact that A Game of Inches is now available and on sale today. If you have room use the following #AGameofInches. Using this hashtag has something to do with trending. Whatever that means. Also like and retweet other tweets that favorably reference A Game of Inches.

2. If you are not into Twitter, post on Facebook the fact that “Jack is Back” and that A Game of Inches for purchase in hardback and eBook versions at Amazon, B&N, and your local independent bookstore. If you see someone else’s Facebook post don’t just “like it” but “share” it. This really spreads the word and increases the audience.

3. In today’s world of of reviews meaning so much, if you enjoyed A Game of Inches please share your thoughts by writing a short review at Amazon, B&N, and/or Goodreads.

After, you have received your copies and had a chance to read and enjoy here are a few more ideas. Every little bit helps.

  1. Invite Me to Talk To Your Organization, Book Club, or local University. One of the real benefits of having When Men Betray, Ginger Snaps, and now A Game of Inches published is that it has given me the opportunity to have conversations with various organizations and groups over the last two years. I have addressed great crowds at the Eighth Circuit Judicial Conference, Laman Library, the Charlotte- Mecklenburg libraries, numerous book clubs, Charlotte churches, rotary clubs, as well as major universities and law schools. Simply email me at [email protected] to get the conversation started.
  2. Write a review in your neighborhood newspaper or local neighborhood newsletter. Local newspapers or community newsletters are a great way to get the word out, and local newspapers and community newsletters are always looking for content.
  3. Give a copy of A Game of Inches to your movie producer or actor neighbor with the suggestion that Jack Patterson Thrillers would be great movies and/or TV series.
  4. Go to Your Local Bookstore and suggest they carry and display A Game of InchesMany independent bookstores will not know to carry the Jack Patterson series until you call it to their attention. If possible, send me at [email protected] an email for your local bookstore so I can send them a press release and other information.
  5. Suggest Your Local TV/Radio Talk show Interview Webb Hubbell. Arrangements are easily made by contacting Megan Trank at Beaufort Books — [email protected] or me at [email protected].
  6. Give A Copy of A Game of Inches to Your Local Library.
  7. Give Away Copies of When Men Betray, Ginger Snaps, A Game of Inches as Door Prizes, Corporate  Gifts, or simply as a “Thank You” To Someone Special.
  8. Carry A Copy of A Game of Inches With You To the Doctor’s Office, a Boring Meeting, or to a Little League Game.
  9. Leave A Copy of A Game of Inches At Your Hairdresser’s, Barber’s, or Other Busy Waiting Room.
  10. If your friends want an autographed copy direct them to my website —


Most importantly, thank you for reading When Men Betray, Ginger Snaps, and A Game of Inches. 

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