Webb Hubbell and his latest Jack Patterson Thriller will be attending BEA and Book Con on May 28 -May 30 at the Javits Center in New York City. Come by Beaufort Books and MidPoint Trade’s booths for in-booth book signings.
Don’t delay, pre-order a copy of Ginger Snaps by going to Amazon, B&N, your local bookstore, or get your autographed copies at https://webbhubbell.com/books-by-webb-hubbell-when-men-betray/.
Excellent reviews continue to pour in for Ginger Snaps. The latest from renowned author B. Brandon Barker:
“Jack Patterson is back and once again unwittingly swept up in another Little Rock firestorm involving tough attorneys, crackpot scientists and a cancer-cure breakthrough that has the Feds on edge. Webb Hubbell’s extensive experience in government lends a frightening air of authenticity to this suspenseful, twisted story.”