Dear Readers:
A Few Weeks ago, I had the honor to address the Women Executives of Charlotte. We had a conversation about Presidential transition and lessons business leaders can take away from the most recent election. To give you some idea about what we discussed here are five takeaways:
- Job, Jobs, and Jobs
- Use of celebrity versus customer and employees in marketing
- Transparency and Authenticity
- Social Media vs. Traditional Advertising
- House of Have versus the House of Have Not.
What we ran out of time to discuss were solutions, which the group and I hope to follow up on in January. That discussion will include:
- As the world becomes more Nationalistic, business leaders need to think local.
- Take action in a new and different way. The U.S. is hungry for change. How can your business do something differently?
- As a business leader how do you take the lead to calm resentments?
- As a business leader how can you take the lead in issues that dominated the election — Manufacturing jobs, Trade, and Immigration?
- Respect for Institutions and Authority is at an all time low. What role does a business leader take in restoring respect?
If you’d like to have similar conversation or dialogue at your organization, business, or university contact me at [email protected]
Books: The award-winning Jack Patterson Thrillers, including my latest, A Game of Inches make perfect holiday gifts. Think of the possibilities: Corporate Gifts Rather Than a Fruit Cake, Coffee Mug, or a calendar; The Difficult former in-law who shows up Christmas morning unannounced; or that former boyfriend or girlfriend who can’t take a hint and expects a gift in return for their gift to you of a half drunk carton of egg nog.
Autographed copies are available at my website, Amazon and Barnes & Noble are selling hard copies and eVersions, and local independent bookstores either have them in stock or can get books from my publisher, Beaufort Books. If your favorite bookstore has run out, ask them to order you a copy today.
Exciting News: My blog of daily meditations The Hubbell Pew has been given a facelift and added a more powerful search engine where you can browse amongst over 1600 meditations. Please help me spread the word! Tell all your friends about this website and please visit yourself. Let me know what you think! Thanks!
November: I also spoke last week to the Promising Pages Book Club on November 15, 2016. This book club is organized by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg County Library System for the homeless population in Charlotte. If you’d like me to speak to your book club contact me at I have been invited to speak in 2017 at Covenant Presbyterian in Charlotte, The Charleston Library Society, and the American Association of University Women. Details to follow soon.
A Favor To Ask. After you read A Game of Inches and if you enjoyed it like so many who are saying “this one is the best of the three” please write a review on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Powell’s, or Goodreads website even if all you do is award it five stars.
A second way to help is to drop by your local bookstore and suggest they carry all three of the award-winning Jack Patterson Thrillers: When Men Betray, Ginger Snaps, and A Game of Inches.
Most importantly, tell your friends, your book club, and your business organization what many are writing — that it is a “must read” and “one of the top summer reads.”
Charitable Organizations. I donated twenty books to the Charlotte Library so promising Pages could read my book. If your organization is having a silent auction or needs a door prize please let me know. I always set aside a number of my books for charitable events.
Until my next post all the very best and don’t forget to order and then review A Game of Inches.