Fathers Day Special Extended and Other Random Thoughts on Monday

Fathers Day Special Has Been Extended:
Due to the wonderful response to my Father’s Day special I have decided to continue it through the summer:
Order Autographed Copies of the Award-Winning Jack Patterson Thriller Series by September 1, 2017 and receive a Twenty Percent Rebate. $5 refund on any novel and a whopping $20 refund if you order all three novels, When Men Betray, Ginger Snaps, and A Game of Inches.
Don’t Delay! Go to WebbHubbell.com to place your order!
Random Thoughts:
      1. Do you think anything is going on in Washington DC other than investigations and hearings, or is it simply that the media isn’t covering anything else?
      2. As a Yellow Dog Democrat I would like one of our Senators or Congress persons to actually propose a solution to our problems. I think it is a mistake to follow the last six years of nothing positive being discussed. Why not begin with expanding Medicare? What do you think?
     3. A lot of writing a novel is like going to an eye doctor who sets you behind some contraption you look through and he/she asks, “which looks better, this or this?” You need to do that with every word you write. A good writer is ruthless with his/her manuscript pruning and cutting until every sentence either reveals character or advances the story. I am still working on this as I work on my fifth novel.
A Favor To Ask. After you read one of my books and if you enjoyed it please write a review on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, Powell’s, or Goodreads website even if all you do is award it five stars.

A second way to help is to drop by your local bookstore and suggest they carry all three of the award-winning Jack Patterson Thrillers: When Men BetrayGinger Snaps, and A Game of Inches.

Most importantly, tell your friends, your book club, and your business organization what many are writing — that it is a “must read” and “one of the top summer reads.”

Charitable Organizations.  If your organization is having a silent auction or needs a door prize please let me know. I heard this last week that the three book series autographed went for $300 at a silent auction. I always set aside a number of my books for charitable events.

Ginger Snaps Book Cover

Upcoming Events: I am excited about my next speaking events. Search my website webbhubbell.com for events in your area. There is also plenty of room available in the calendar for your book club, your organization, and/or institution, At events like these I get so much feedback on my books and almost every time I make new friends or catch up with old friends, or both. Contact me at [email protected] to inquire about me speaking.

Until next time have a great week. Webb

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